Monday, October 09, 2006


why should life be so complicated
why dont we make it simple
like the children for example
when they play in the garden
when they are happy they laugh
if theyre hurt they cry
why cant grown ups do just the same
why do we fool ourselves feeling happy
yet inside we feel pain
why would we hurt someone thinking that
would make us happy in the end
why do we hide our tears, our fears just to feel alright
why do we hide in the shadows where the only answer
is to face the light
why do we always try to deny love
when we always knew we feel it inside
tell me why...


Blogger the princess said...

tell me,
what's the point of hiding what you truly feel?
of masking the hurt?
of denying true feelings?
of crying?
of weeping?
of laughing?
why hold back?

it doesnt make you immortal, does it? ;P

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the point is obvious
it is vivid yet a bee still asks
he is but a coward


8:15 AM  
Blogger i am He the Effortless said...

tnx for the comment...but who r u??Ü

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i were to answer the same WHYs, my reply would be...


because that's the way it is.
because action does not necessarily follow cognition.
because we are the anthithesis of ourselves.
because we are what we are not.

you call it confusion. i call it human nature.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a coward cannot afford to act on what he think is ryt
he can only ask
so he has cum up with zillion whys
waiting for a bee to answer it for him
and cuss god and asks why he is having a miserable lovelife..


9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to moon:

in behalf of the coward, who, at this very moment, is still isn't through asking the umpteenth why...

isn't it cowardice too that enabled you to appear incognito?

the question is simpler than any WHY the coward could ever ask himself,


10:02 AM  

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